CCM Health Announces Community Investment Program Funds Available for 2022

CCM Health Announces Community Investment Program Funds Available for 2022
In early 2021, CCM Health proudly started a new community investment program to continue the organization’s commitment as a contributing member of the communities it serves. CCM Health’s Community Investment Program Funds encourage community improvements in different areas supported by CCM Health. This includes, but are not limited to, programs and activities that focus not only on health and wellness, but also education, diversity, arts and culture, and safety.
In 2021, CCM Health donated $17,000 to many area groups and events.
The organizations awarded larger funds from CCM Health for 2021 included:
- Montevideo High School Band Boosters
- Montevideo Public Schools Book Buddies Program
- Bring It Home Backpack Program
- City of Clara City Aquatic Program
- Montevideo High School Scholarship Fund
- Yellow Medicine East Scholarship Fund
- Montevideo Youth Baseball
- Thunder Hawk Care Program
- MACCRAY 2021 Formal
- Montevideo “Daybreak” After-Prom Party
- Cultural Diversity Council-UMNRV
Due to the success and growth the organization has had in 2021, CCM Health is excited to announce that it will be investing $35,000 into its community investment program for 2022. The $35,000 will be awarded to different groups, organizations, and businesses that apply during the application process beginning in January 2022.
“The success of the Community Investment Program in 2021 was incredible.” shared Brian Lovdahl, CEO of CCM Health. “Thanks to the community’s support of CCM Health this last year, we are pleased we can give back even more to community partners to help them also continue to grow and improve. We are eager to see what new ideas, programs, and events our community can come up with.”
CCM Health’s Community Investment Program is overseen by a community investment advisory committee. The committee, which is made up CCM Health employees, meets monthly to review requests that come in from the community. The application period for the larger grants will be open from January 1 through March 1, 2022. Small donation requests, under $200, can be submitted all year long.
For additional information on CCM Health’s community investment program, visit