Visiting Family & Friends at CCM Health
If you would like to visit a friend or family member during their stay, please visit during our approved visitors hours. Our intensive care unit and individual patients may have limited visitors hours. We ask visitors to please contact us at (320) 269-8877 to learn more about our visiting hours during holidays and weekends. Our Montevideo location also has a cafe for visitors to enjoy.
We believe in the importance of treating patients with care and compassion. Visitors play an important role in helping patients heal and recover. We ask that all children be accompanied by an adult. Please let our staff know if you have any questions, and you can call or email us with any questions about our visitor policies.
Please be aware that visitors will not be allowed for Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) or COVID-19 positive patients.
Getting to Our Facilities
We maintain several locations so you and your family have convenient and comprehensive medical care that’s close to home. Our locations include:
CCM Health Hospital
824 N 11th Street
Montevideo, MN 56265
Our central critical access hospital is located in the northeastern corner of Montevideo, MN. You can find us at the intersection of Highway 7 and 8th Street behind Luther Haven Nursing home. This location has 25 hospital beds, Emergency Room services, and on-site specialties. Our hospital also has a café.
CCM Health – Montevideo
We maintain a team of family practice providers, therapists, health educators, and surgical staff. The Montevideo Clinic is open Monday through Friday, except on holidays. Our hours of operation are:
Walk-In Clinic
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
CCM Health – Clara City
140 Northwest 1st Avenue
Clara City, MN 56222
Our Clara City Clinic is open for appointments on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 8:30am — 5:00pm, except on holidays. We also provide general check-ups, allergy shots, and other medical services. You can find us near the northwest corner of Highway 23 and Main Street.
CCM Health – Milan
237 North 2nd Street
Milan, MN 56262
Our Milan Clinic brings experienced medical providers to Milan every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30am — 5:00pm. Our team is here to help. Find us on the right side of Main Street behind the Milan Public Library.
Our team of providers, nurses, and health care professionals serve all of southwestern Minnesota. Contact our main location or our individual clinic locations to schedule an appointment or speak to a medical professional.
Receive Clergy Support and Services
At CCM Health, along with physical healing, we strive to provide emotional comfort and strength while you or your loved one is staying with us. The clergy in the communities surrounding CCM Health make a special point of visiting as many patients as possible to provide spiritual and emotional support.
Clergy visits can help when you or your loved one needs:
- Prayer or support
- Help with making difficult decisions
- Spiritual questions answered
- Help with grieving
- Confidential listening
- Someone to share happy outcomes with
- Bedside visits
- Sacraments like Baptism, Holy Communion, Anointing of the Sick or Holy Eucharist
Request a Clergy Visit
You can request a clergy visit by reaching out to the attending nurse. Alternately, your pastor can help make arrangements. Just let them know that you would like a visit and what services you have in mind. At CCM Health, we will do our best to get you the support you need as soon as possible.
Visit Our Hospital Chapel 24/7, 365
Looking for a quiet place where you can pray for your loved one or just sit in peace? Our hospital chapel is open 24-hours a day and it’s the perfect place to find serenity and balance. The chapel is located by the CCM Health north entrance. Come as you are, everyone is welcome.