General / Family / Primary Care

Experienced General / Family / Primary Care Providers
The General / Family / Primary Care medical staff at CCM Health combines years of experience and recent training for a solid approach to diagnosis, treatment and prevention. We encourage you to develop a relationship with one of our providers. Our physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners are eager to get acquainted with you and your family, understand your medical history, habits and health care concerns in order to provide a continuum of quality care from early childhood through retirement.
Montevideo and surrounding communities is staffed by a group of family practice and surgical providers, therapists and health educators. The clinic offers a spectrum of care options ranging from birth through geriatrics.
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Providers for General / Family / Primary Care
Elizabeth Orr, MD
Emily Temple-Wood, DO
Megan Grimsley, APRN, CNP
Julie Kircher, APRN, CNP, CNM
Ali Peterson, APRN, CNP, CNM
Eleazar Briones II, MD
Brittiny Nolan, APRN, CNP
Tasha Eichorn, APRN, CNP
Ashley Jerve, APRN, CNP
Leesa Novotny, MD
Stephanie Baldwin, APRN, CNP
Jan Briones, DNP, APRN, CNP
Patrick Hanna, MD
Marcie Schmiesing, APRN, CNP
Lana Dirksen, MD
Nicholas Krueger, MD
Nick Taurinskas, MD