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Community Investment Program

The application period for large grants (more than $200) for the Community Investment Program is open from January 1 – March 1, 2025.
Submit an application by using the form linked in the left menu.

The Community Investment Program (CIP) will be one of the ways in which CCM Health demonstrates its commitment to being a contributing community provider and community member. With $35,000 allocated annually for this program, CCM Health seeks to support impactful local initiatives that align with its mission. Specifically, through the Community Investment Program, which is overseen by the Community Investment Advisory Committee (CIAC), CCM Health will encourage demonstrable improvement in selected community initiatives supported by CCM Health. This committee can meet monthly to review all community requests to CCM Health for funds under $200.00.

CCM Health must manage its funding resources within pre-set parameters and assure that contributions and sponsorships to organizations are mutually beneficial. Also, funding will be considered for requesting organizations that are aligned with CCM Health’s mission, strategic direction, and/or clinical priorities.

  • Funding for the requesting organization cannot support services in direct competition with CCM Health services. In addition, funding cannot be used to support or advocate for a religious or political ideology.
  • Monies granted will not be used to sponsor a single individual participating in an event or contest or pursuing a trip.
  • Funds for staffing expenses will be carefully reviewed and evaluated and generally are non-renewable.
  • One-time per year requests from organizations are preferred. If an organization has multiple requests in one year, they should be submitted at the same time.
  • The program or project should not duplicate an existing program and/or should fill a gap in existing programs or services.
  • Clear objectives and desired outcomes are clearly stated in the request.
  • The organization has implemented successful programs, activities, and services in the past.
  • The organization appears to be using its resources well, including collaborating, deriving innovative solutions, and leveraging resources effectively.
  • Detailed budget summary is required for requests greater than $1,000.
  • Funds will generally be provided for ongoing work of local organizations. Funding requests for new projects or new organizations will be considered when the cause is health-related or when a demonstrated community need has been determined.
  • It is not the responsibility of CCM Health to “recruit” CCM Health employees to participate in voluntary events (e.g., golf foursomes, dinner attendees) unless the seats are a benefit of the sponsorship.
  • Local and regional causes are a greater priority over state and national concerns. Exceptions can be made for funding for a local event or activity that is conducted by a statewide or national organization (e.g. March of Dimes, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, etc.).
  • Diminished consideration will be given to events that are “members only” or open to a limited section of the local population.

CCM Health proactively will support the programs, services, and activities of organizations that are committed to improving the health of others. These include, but are not limited to, the following categories:

  • programs promoting fitness, healthy lifestyles, and safety for youth and children
  • educational programming for children pre-K through grade 12
  • educational scholarships for adults entering the various health professions
  • programs for health and wellness promotion, with emphasis on the issues of diabetes, obesity, and smoking cessation, and other preventable chronic conditions
  • programs offered by human service organizations and professional associations having mutual mission components
  • programs promoting arts and culture which enhance the quality of life in CCM Health communities
  • support for civic and community organizations that positively impact CCM Health’s standing as a corporate citizen or as an employer of choice
  • Requests must be made in writing and submitted by March 1st. Requests received via telephone will not be accepted.
  • Requests should be made directly to the CCM Health Community Investment Program, c/o Community Investment Advisory Committee, at 824 North 11th Street, Montevideo, MN 56265.
  • Requests must be submitted in writing and include the following:
    • organization name, address, telephone
    • program contact name, address, telephone, e-mail
    • purpose of organization and its service area
    • amount requested
    • tax ID number or completed Form W-9
    • description of program/event/publication and/or proposed use of funds
    • how funds support the local community
    • description of how CCM Health will be recognized (e.g., mention in ads, name on flyer, banners at events, name on t-shirt, etc.)
    • number of people benefited by the contribution/organization – involvement by CCM Health staff in program/organization
    • pertinent deadlines
    • instructions for payment (if approved)
    • if approved, recipients of large grants must submit receipts documenting the use of the grant funds

  • Requests for larger community investments will be reviewed by the CIAC during the month of March.
  • Organizations will be notified if they were selected during the month of April.
  • Organizations selected to receive funds will be invited to an event to be held in early May to receive their community investment donation.

Request Guidelines for Larger Community Investment

  • Requests must be made in writing, at least 60 days in advance of the event/activity/sponsorship deadline. Requests received via telephone will not be accepted.
  • Requests should be made to the CCM Health Community Investment Program, c/o Community Investment Advisory Committee, at 824 North 11th Street, Montevideo, MN 56265 (Community investment funds for disbursement to branch clinic community programs are also routed through the Community Investment Advisory Committee to allow for proper administrative and financial tracking.)
  • Requests must be submitted in writing and include the following:
    • organization name, address, telephone
    • program contact name, address, telephone, e-mail
    • purpose of organization and its service area
    • amount requested
    • tax ID number or completed Form W-9
    • description of program/event/publication and/or proposed use of funds
    • how funds support the local community
    • description of how CCM Health will be recognized (e.g., mention in ads, name on flyer, banners at events, name on t-shirt, etc.)
    • number of people benefited by the contribution/organization – involvement by CCM Health staff in program/organization
    • pertinent deadlines
    • instructions for payment (if approved).

  • Requests for sponsorship or advertising support should include copies of printed materials from prior years used in conjunction with the event or program as well as a listing of opportunities for CCM Health to inform the community that they are a program sponsor or contributor.

Request Guidelines for Smaller Community Investments (Under $200.00)