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Request for Public Data

Your Right to See Public Data

Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, you have the right to inspect or receive a copy of public data held by CCM Health. This right does not include data that is not public under state or federal law. For example, you do not have the right to access the protected health information of CCM Health patients unless you are otherwise authorized to do so by law. To view CCM Health’s full Public Request for Data policy, click here.

How to Request Public Data

To inspect or request copies of data held by CCM Health, you must make a written request.
You may make your written request by filling out the linked form by clicking here and sending it to us by email or by submitting the online form on our website.

If you choose not to use our form, your written request should:

  1. State that you are making a request for public data as a member of the public under the MGDPA;
  2. State whether you would like to inspect the data, receive copies of the data, or both;

If you would like to receive copies, describe how you would like to receive them; and

  1. Clearly describe the data you would like to inspect or have copied.
  2. We do not require you, as a member of the public, to identify yourself or explain the reason for your request unless you request nonpublic data. However, we may need certain information from you to process your request (for example, we may need your mailing address to mail you copies). Also, if we cannot understand your request and have no way of contacting you, we cannot process it.

How We Respond to Data Requests

Upon receipt of your request, we will review it as soon as reasonably possible.

If we cannot understand it, we will ask you to clarify your request if you have provided contact information. We will not continue processing the request until you have responded to our clarification questions.

If we do not have the data, we will notify you in writing as soon as reasonably possible.

If we have the data, but the data are not public and we are not authorized to release it to you, we will inform you as soon as reasonably possible including identifying which laws classify the data as not public.

If we have the data, and the data are public, we will respond to your request within a reasonable amount of time by doing one of the following depending on the nature of your request:

  • Arrange a time and place for you to inspect the data, free of charge, if you requested to do so.
  • Provide you with copies of the data as soon as reasonably possible. We will arrange for delivery based upon your chosen method if possible. We will provide electronic copies upon request if we keep the data in an electronic format. Please note that in some instances, CCM Health may charge for its costs or preparing copies for you. We require you to prepay any charges before we will provide copies. See section below titled “Costs for Copies of Data.”

If you do not understand some of the data (such as abbreviations, terminology, or acronyms), please let us know. We will do our best to explain the data to you. Please note, however, we will only explain the meaning of the data and may not answer other questions. We are not required to answer questions that are not requests for data.

CCM Health is also not required to create or collect new data for you if we do not already have the data. We are also not required to provide data in a specific format if we do not keep the data in that format.

We will respond to all requests as soon as reasonably possible and attempt to respond to all requests within ten business days. However, depending on the nature of your request, the number of requests you make in a given period, and other factors, we may need additional time.

Requests for Summary Data

Although we are not required to create data we do not have, you may request summary data. Summary data are statistical records and reports created from private or confidential data on individuals where identifying information is removed and individuals are no longer identifiable. We will only prepare summary data if you request that we do so in writing and prepay the cost of preparing the data.

Costs for Copies of Data

CCM Health charges members of the public for copies of public data as authorized by Minnesota Statutes § 13.03.

If you request 100 or fewer pages of black-and-white letter or legal sized paper copies, we will charge you $0.25 per page.

If you request more than 100 pages of black-and-white copies, color copies, copies in other formats, or electronic data, we will charge you the actual cost of searching for, retrieving, and compiling the data including making copies. This includes the cost of materials, charges for delivery, and the cost of our employees’ time. The cost of employee time for responding will be between $80.00/hr and $225.00/hr, dependent on the information requested.

If there is a charge, we require prepayment before providing any data.