Quality & Safety
Enhancing the Patient Experience
CCM Health is committed to providing patients the highest quality and safety during care. Our organization focuses on quality-driven initiatives throughout our hospital and clinics located in Southwest Minnesota. These initiatives are done through a team effort with the goal to continue improving the quality and safety provided at CCM Health.
Because the voice of our patients is very important to us, CCM Health partners with Press Ganey to provide surveys to our patients that provide them the opportunity to offer feedback regarding the quality and safety of care that they receive. Patient feedback is an essential piece of our quality initiatives as it allows us to receive information and insight from a patient perspective. CCM Health uses this data to drive performance improvement initiatives in an effort to exceed our patients’ expectations.
After receiving care in any area of our organization, you may receive a survey via mail, text, or email from our survey vendor, Press Ganey. CCM Health appreciates the time and effort that it takes you to complete the surveys. With your help, we can continue to improve the care we provide to our patients.
call (320) 269-8877
If you have a quality or patient safety concern, please contact your provider, head nurse, or another member of your health care team who will work with you to resolve your concern. If staff cannot help you or you have a special concern or need, please contact our Quality Services Department.