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Candice Jaenisch

Candice Jaenisch, County Commissioner – District 2, joined the CCM Health Board of Commission in January 2021. Candice is a life-long resident of Chippewa County.  She is a Certified Public Accountant and has served the community in this capacity for over 25 years. Candice was the co-founder and chair of the MACCRAY 2180 Foundation. Candice Jaenisch is also the Treasurer of the Maynard Legion Auxiliary and Trinity Lutheran Church of Havelock Township.  She is a member of LWML and serves as the Superintendent of Trinity Lutheran Church VBS and Sunday School Programs. Other boards that Candice serves on include the Clara City EDA, Pioneerland Library System, Chippewa County HRA, Hawk Creek Watershed Project, and Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission.

CCM Health Board of Directors - Candice Jaenisch